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Kevitsa Open Pit, Kevitsa hill and Concentrator Plant.
Photo © Jukka Brusila & Boliden Kevitsa Mining Oy



Company name describes the main expertise areas that are available for your needs. Learn more on those below. Giron also means rock ptarmigan in north Sami language. Proper bird for any geologist considering their rocky habitats in the Arctic and mountains. This pretty but tough arctic bird has many special features we associate with ourselves and our way to do business.


Geology: In case of mining, geology is obviously the basis for everything. Besides defining the economics and technical exploitation solutions of each deposit, geology also has big role in the potential environmental consequences. In the environmental studies and permitting it is handy to have a geologist around, familiar with exploration and mining procedures, discussing about geology with your project geologists and engineers. 

Intelligence: Comprehensive understanding of exploration and mining value chains and timelines as well as challenges associated with the various environmental aspects especially in Finnish context, enable us to provide top level business intelligence for Corporates and Government institutions alike. For example in connection to Strategy processes, regulation, M&A assignments (DDs) or Environmental-Social-Governance (ESG) advisory in connection to ESG risk ratings and portfolio analyses. This expertise serves the needs of corporates themselves, banks and lenders as well as investors. 

Environment: For us this topic covers environment in traditional sense but also the stakeholders of the project, ie. the neighbours and other important groups critical in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Most critical environmental aspects vary from project to project and it is important to put the biggest efforts to proper aspects. Also one cannot too much emphasize the importance of stakeholder communications and engagement to distribute valid information on the project, covering both the benefits and on the other hand detrimental effects and mitigation & monitoring measures. Our geology & environmental expertise can also be integrated with the Overseeing services (project management & supervision) with desired expert combination as required in your project.

Overseeing: Competent project management and supervision is of crucial importance, be the project small or big. The significance is even more pronounced in the complex permitting and technical study associated environmental matters that ultimately enable the project to be implemented -or then not. We have solid experience of project management in all sizes, up to several million euros. Participation to much bigger mining capital investment projects, up to several hundred millions euros, also have given valuable lessons learned experiences of project management and implementation. There are several options how to combine and complement our expertise with other experts on the market. We operate flexibly on independent basis or as part of Project Owner team or in co-operation with other consultants, depending your needs.

Iron: We are familiar with iron and other commodities as well as respective deposits. Especially on the environmental aspects of the geology and other associated items. Besides ironlike expertise we consider having similar attitude on business. See below our experience on commodities. Also have a look to the main projects we have been working with.

Please, contact us to learn more details of the services!

What is so special with giron (the bird)?

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